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Getting Started

Adding ZenKit to your project

To get started using ZenKit, you will first need to add it to your project as a library. The process of doing so is different between depending on which programming language you choose. Select the language of your choice below and continue.

ZenKit uses CMake as its build system and thus it may be integrated into existing CMake projects using CMake's FetchContent API or by adding it as a submodule. A system-wide installation via cmake --install is currently not supported.

Adding ZenKit through FetchContent is the easiest way of obtaining a working copy of the library. To do this, simply add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt file:

find_package(Git REQUIRED)


After doing this, you'll need to link against zenkit using the target_link_libraries(your-target PRIVATE zenkit) directive. With that, everything should be set up correctly for you to use ZenKit in your application.

You can install ZenKitCS from the NuGet Package Gallery. Simply add the following snippet to your .csproj file, replacing the version with the approprite version identifier from NuGet.

Text Only
  <PackageReference Include="ZenKit" Version="x.x.x" />

To build your project then, you will need to add a RuntimeIdentifiers property to your .csproj. You can simply use this once and copy it the topmost <PropertyGroup> in your .csproj like this:

    <!-- ... -->


    <!-- ... -->

You can now also build your project for those runtimes by supplying the runtime identifier in dotnet build using the -r parameter. This is how you would build your project for Android:

Text Only
dotnet build -r android-arm64 -c Release --self-contained

You can integrate ZenKit4J into your Java project from Maven Central. Refer to its documentation about how to set it up with your package manager. No additional configuration is required.

You can add ZenKit4Py to you Python project through Pip via PyPI:

Text Only
pip install zenkit

No further action is required.

Getting Help

Feel free to ask any questions you might have over in the :material-github:/discussions section of the GitHub repository!

A basic example

These are some basic examples of how to use ZenKit for each supported language. In this example, we load a .VDF-file into a Vfs, find a Font definition within it and load it into memory. The general mode of operation here is applicable to most assets that can be loaded using ZenKit

#include <zenkit/Vfs.hh>  // required to load VDF files
#include <zenkit/Font.hh>  // required to load fonts

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        std::cerr << "please provide a textures.vdf file to read from\n";
        return 1;

    // Create a new Vfs
    zenkit::Vfs vfs {};

    // Load the VDF-file into the Vfs

    // Find the font file in the Vfs
    zenkit::VfsNode const* font_file = vfs.find("font_default.fnt");

    // Make sure the entry actually exists
    if (font_file == nullptr) {
        std::cerr << "FONT_DEFAULT.FNT was not found in the VFS\n";
        return 2;

    // Open the file and parse a font from it
    zenkit::Font font {};

    // Print out the associated texture name
    std::cout << "The associated texture for FONT_DEFAULT.FNT is \"" << << "\"\n";

    return 0;

To run this, compile it while linking against zenkit and execute the resulting binary in a terminal giving it the path to the Data/textures.vdf file in any Gothic or Gothic II installation:

./a.out /path/to/gothic/Data/textures.VDF

More examples can be found in the :material-github:/examples/ directory of the project.

import sys
from zenkit import Vfs, Font

def main() -> int:
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("please provide a textures.vdf file to read from", file=sys.stderr)
        return -1

    vfs = Vfs()

    font_file = vfs.find("font_default.fnt")
    if font_file is None:
        print("FONT_DEFAULT.FNT was not found in the VFS", file=sys.stderr)
        return -2

    font = Font.load(font_file)
    print("The associated texture for FONT_DEFAULT.FNT is \"" + + "\"")
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":