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Model Animations

Model Animations form part of the animations system of the ZenGin they contain only animation samples, i.e. the position and orientation of each bone of the skeleton they're applied to. While there is space for additional data within animation files, it is mostly empty.


The most important part of an animation are its samples. They are stored in ModelAnimation::samples after it has been parsed. Animation files themselves don't contain information about when to run animation or any other effects which should be applied during it. Those parts of the animation system are defined in Model Script files which should be loaded before animations. The ModelAnimation::events field will always be empty for that reason1.

Loading Animations

#include <zenkit-capi/ModelAnimation.h>
#include <zenkit-capi/Vfs.h>

int main(int, const char** argv) {
    // Load from a file on disk:
    ZkModelAnimation* man = ZkModelAnimation_loadPath("MyAnimation.MAN");

    // ... or from a VFS:
    ZkVfs* vfs = ZkVfs_new();
    ZkVfs_mountDiskHost(vfs, "Anims.vdf", ZkVfsOverwriteBehavior_OLDER);
    man = ZkModelAnimation_loadVfs(vfs, "MyAnimation.MAN");

    return 0;
#include <zenkit/ModelAnimation.hh>
#include <zenkit/Stream.hh>
#include <zenkit/Vfs.hh>

int main(int, char const** argv) {
    zenkit::ModelAnimation man {};

    // Load from a file on disk:
    auto r = zenkit::Read::from("MyAnimation.MAN");

    // ... or from a VFS
    zenkit::Vfs vfs;
    vfs.mount_disk("Anims.vdf", zenkit::VfsOverwriteBehavior::OLDER)

    r = vfs->find("MyAnimation.MAN")->open_read();

    return 0;
using ZenKit;

// Load from a file on disk:
var man = new ModelAnimation("MyAnimation.MAN");

// ... or from a VFS:
var vfs = new Vfs();
vfs.MountDisk("Anims.vdf", VfsOverwriteBehavior.Older);
man = new ModelAnimation(vfs, "MyAnimation.MAN");
import dev.gothickit.zenkit.ani.ModelAnimation;
import dev.gothickit.zenkit.vfs.Vfs;
import dev.gothickit.zenkit.vfs.VfsOverwriteBehavior;

// Load from a file on disk:
var man = ModelAnimation.load("MyAnimation.MAN");

// ... or from a VFS:
var vfs = new Vfs();
vfs.mountDisk("Anims.vdf", VfsOverwriteBehavior.OLDER)
man = ModelAnimation.load(vfs, "MyAnimation.MAN");
from zenkit import Vfs, VfsOverwriteBehavior, ModelAnimation

# Load from a file on disk:
man = ModelAnimation.load("MyAnimation.MAN")

# ... or from a VFS:
vfs = Vfs()
vfs.mount_disk("Anims.vdf", clobber=VfsOverwriteBehavior.OLDER)
man = ModelAnimation.load(vfs.find("MyAnimation.MAN"))

  1. This assertion is made after examining many animations from both Gothic and Gothic II and finding no events being stored.